Mike Rizzo
1 min readJul 2, 2020

ShareThis (or the competition) you need to implement verified shares and score ratings for sharers.

Here's the problem:

People share headlines without actually consuming the content.


Verified shares and a rating system for the sharer (aka the person sharing the content).

It’s like the combo of Klout + ShareThis.

Let’s creat a ‘verified share’ movement and help mitigate the spread of misinformation and disinformation.

I’ll gladly share more about this with whomever wants to talk more about it.

If someone out there would prefer to build the solution (because these incumbents won’t) let’s talk.

Mike Rizzo

When it comes to Community and Marketing Ops, I’m your huckleberry. Community-Led Founder of MarketingOps.com and MO Pros® — the community for Marketing Ops